Collins Morley


I graduated with a B.S. in Computer Science from Florida Atlantic University in the fall of 2015. My focus was designing and developing software using object oriented design patterns.


I have ten years of experience building web applications on multiple different platforms with many languages. I have significant experience with Php and MySql on a LAMP stack as well as building web applications and services using C# and Microsoft SQL Server.


I am currently employed as a solution developer developing systems on the Microsoft Stack. My responsibilities include database administration, back end programming, and user interface development. Previously, I worked as a freelance web development consultant working primarily with PHP and MySql.

Curiculum Vitae

Contact Information
  • Florida Atlantic University2011-2015
    Boca Raton, FL
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
  • Orange Park High School2007-2011
    Orange Park, FL
Technical Skills
  • .NET Languages and Methodologies
    • C#, VB.NET, MVC, WPF
  • Other Programming Languages
    • C++, PHP, JAVA
  • Markup, Design, and Scripting Languages
    • HTML5, XHTML, CSS 3, JavaScript
  • Databases
    • Microsoft Sql Server, MySql
  • Third Party Systems
    • AngularJS, jQuery, Twitter Bootstrap
  • Software
    • Development: Microsoft Visual Studio, Microsoft SQL Management Studio, Microsoft Office, Netbeans, Notepad++, WinSCP, Oracle SQL Developer
    • Graphic Design: GNU Image Manipulation Program (GIMP), Adobe Photoshop®.
  • Platforms
    • Microsoft Windows 10, Apple Mac OSX
  • Concepts and Methods
    • Knowledge of Search Engine Optimization, Object Oriented Desiggn patterns, Model View Controller architecture, and UML diagramming.
Professional Experience
  • Business Solution Developer2015-Present
    • Principle responsibilities include database and software development and maintenance using the Microsoft .NET Stack.
    • Languages and tools used: C#, VB.NET, Microsoft SQL Server, jQuery, HTML5.
  • Web Developer2010-2014
    Freelance Consultant
    • Principle responsibilities included design and development of websites both front-end and back-end.
    • Languages and tools used: PHP, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, MySql.
  • Web Application DeveloperJan 2013-Dec 2013
    • Developed prototype for music streaming service.
    • Languages and tools used: PHP, jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, MySql.
Academic Experience
  • COP 3813 - Internet Computing
  • COP 3540 - Database Structures
  • COP 4367 - Graphical Application Development
  • COP 4610 - Computer Operating Systems
  • COP 4331 - Object Oriented Programming and Design
  • CEN 4010 - Principles of Software Engineering
  • STA 4812 - Stochastic Models for Computer Science
  • COT 4420 - Formal Languages and Automata Theory
  • CAP 4630 - Artificial Intelligence

Development Portfolio

Personal Projects

C# Enigma Machine Simulator Fall 2014

A C# console application which simulates the encryption of a German Army enigma machine, the user can set the plug board configuration, the initial rotor state, and the initial rotor configuration. It also accounts for the reflector.

JS Birth Day Calendar Summer 2014

A simple JavaScript file which when included in a page shows a series of form fields allowing the user to input a desired year an select a month. The output then changes to show a calendar from the set month and year.

View on Github

C# Expense Tracker Spring 2014

Uses C# with Windows Forms for the GUI. Allows adding of expenses and deposits. Works on the concept of saving and loading the data from files, allowing for use with multiple accounts. Also has feature to print a simple report of all spending history.

View on Github

PHP Simple Guestbook Fall 2013

Two separate classes that contain all utilities for managing a guestbook with easily customizable variables and built-in setup functions. The first version uses MySql for storage, and the second uses a simple text file.

View on Github

PHP Flat File User Manager Spring 2013

A single class written in PHP that handles user login and account creation. The username, a clean (lowercase) version of the username, and a hashed password are stored in a text file.

View on Github

Academic Projects

C++ CPU Scheduling Simulator
Computer Operating Systems, Fall 2014

A C++ program which simulated CPU scheduling using the Shortest Job First (SJF), First Come First Served (FCFS), and Multi Level Feedback Queue (MLFQ) algorithms for CPU scheduling.

PHP Student Management Portal
Intro to Database Structures, Fall 2014

A PHP based web application which allows students to manage their registered courses, view their transcript, and update their information.

Personal Interests

Web Design

Web design has become a personal hobby for me. I don't have any intention of ever working in the field professionally since frankly, I lack the graphic design skills. I still enjoy dabbling occasionally and it provides a useful foundation for integrating web-based systems when developing with .NET's MVC.

Artificial Intelligence

I am not by any means an expert in artifical intelligence; in fact, I am not really even all that profficient. I do however find the subject very interesting, especially genetic algorithms and neural networks. When I have to free time, I try to read various articles and papers on the subject and experiment with relevant ideas.

History of Computation

I have always been a student of history, and being a computer scientist, the history of computer science has always held me in a state of rapt fascination. I've spent time researching everything from Charles Babbage's calculating engines, to Turing Machines, to the German Enigma machines and Bletchley Park. I have even gone so far as to create emulators of both the German Enigma machine and a traditional Turing Machine.